Kenny Sunshine and Holly Paige in Birmingham on 05/11/13

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Kenny Sunshine and Holly Paige share with you secrets of success with raw food and creative thought to achieve desired goals…


Recent research in the fields of anthropology, plant biology, mythology and human experience, and on the brain itself, suggests that we once lived, and could again live, in a very different and profoundly preferable state of consciousness to the one we consider normal today. There is growing evidence that nutrition and hormones can crucially affect our development giving us the opportunity to ongoingly experiencing a mode of awareness and function and with a sense of well-being now usually associated with peak states – ‘in a benign state of perpetual wonder and joy’.

Meanwhile, with the necessary knowledge, we can all significantly improve our brain and body chemistry to enhance our energy, effectiveness, intuition, creative powers and connection with others and the sacred planet we live on.

Food for Consciousness has been set up to provide inspiration regarding neuroregenerative nutrition, mind activation and energetic connection, to supply nutrient dense and neuroactive foods, herbs, supplements and books and to create and network relevant events such as workshops, courses, talks and nature retreats.

We hope that the information and products offered here will inspire you, add to the enjoyment and meaning of your life, help you make more knowledgable choices and generally be food for consciousness as well as food for thought.

We recommend fresh, wholesome, undamaged i.e.raw balanced food as a foundation for healthy brain chemistry.


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