Category: Speakers

Michael & Sarah Feeley – Beyond The Illusion

BEYOND THE IILLUSIION: A Time Of Awakening With Michael & Sarah Feeley AWAKENING… Authors, Husband and Wife team and now Ex – Police officers Michael & Sarah Feeley, had the spiritual awakening of a lifetime when they relived the murder of a Victorian teenager in 2009. Since that time they have had multiple experiences of …

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Ian Moore – Interdimensional Wizard

INTERDIMENTIONAL WIZARD: Ian has been giving talks, Lectures and Demonstrations for over 30 years towards the creation of the new Civilisation from Emotions, Past lives, Spiritual stability and ability. Ian Runs an International Wizard School for children established in 2004, with Parcels sent every month to children around the world The Electronic Wizards Apprenticeship …

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Dave Murphy

DAVE MURPHY: Born in London and grew up in Essex, England began his career as an Animator, Graphic Designer, Portrait Artist then moved over to Computer Programming. In 1997 he was headhunted by an American Technical Consultancy Firm and subsequently emigrated to New York. While there he worked full time developing financial software for Wall …

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