
Author's posts

Gary Biltcliff & Caroline Hoare in Birmingham on 19/11/13

Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare will talk about their latest book ‘The Spine of Albion’, the 15-year research of the north-south equivalent of the famous St Michael Line called the Belinus Line. It is considered to be Britain’s longest ley that stretches from the Isle of Wight at the base of England and ending at …

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Truthjuice Birmingham 3rd Anniversary get together in Birmingham on 12/11/13

Hi all Tonight will be the 3rd Anniversary of Truthjuice Birmingham. There will be no speaker, however, we are going to have a get together where you can chat with like minded people, enjoy music. We look forward to seeing you there and would like to thank you all for your support over the last few years.

Sarah Worrall in Birmingham on 01/10/13

Sarah Worrall talks on the The Sun Moon and the Zodiac. The symbolism of the Spirit and Soul, in essence and it’s reflection. Anyone interested in a personal natal chart reading to be ready armed with Date Time and Place of birth.